The Time is Now!
Connect to your Higher Conscious Awareness and learn how to communicate with other Realms and Dimensions across Time and Space!
Are you interested in developing your Psychic and Intuitive Skills?
Have you experienced psychic phenomena before?
Are you curious about the meaning of life, other worlds, Spirit Guides, and Spirituality in general?
Do you feel you would enjoy flourishing intuitively?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions than consider joining The Psychic Circle; a "high-vibe" space to commune with Spirit and other Multi-Dimensional Beings.
Members meet throughout the week via Zoom.
All sessions are audio-recorded.
You'll have the added option of receiving personal sessions with me, Leonila (The Guided Tarot) for Psychic Development support and guidance.
Membership in The Psychic Circle is exclusive and seating is limited.
If you're interested, please fill out the Contact Form on this page and I'll reach out to schedule a virtual meeting.
Monthly Fee to Circle - $50 US
One-On-One Guided Development Meeting - $40 US each occurrence (Approx. 45 minutes each session)